Who is the referee for Bengals-Jaguars for Week 13 Monday Night Football?

The referee overseeing the Cincinnati Bengals' game on Monday Night Football in Week 13 against the Jacksonville Jaguars has not officiated a Bengals game since October 9, 2022. The chief referee for tonight's game at EverBank Stadium will be Scott Novak. In his 11 weeks of this season as an official, Novak and his fellow

The referee overseeing the Cincinnati Bengals' game on Monday Night Football in Week 13 against the Jacksonville Jaguars has not officiated a Bengals game since October 9, 2022.

The chief referee for tonight's game at EverBank Stadium will be Scott Novak. In his 11 weeks of this season as an official, Novak and his fellow officials have thrown 10.7 flags per game on average going into MNF.

The Bengals, who are still vying for a postseason spot, will be hopeful that tonight's outcome differs from what happened the last time Novak was in charge of their game. In that game, the Bengals fell to the Baltimore Ravens 19–17 in Week 5 of the 2022-23 season.

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In the four games that referee Scott Novak has been in charge for the Bengals, they have only triumphed once. That victory came in 2020 when the Bengals defeated the Tennessee Titans 31-20. Quarterback Joe Burrow threw passes for 249 yards and two scores in that game.

Given that the two teams have had the fewest infractions called against them this season, the Jaguars vs. Bengals game may feature a few penalties. In nine of their eleven games this season, the Bengals have had six infractions or lower called against them; in comparison, the Jaguars have only had one game in which more than six violations have been called against them in the 2023 campaign.

What channel is the Bengals-Jaguars game on tonight?

For the Monday Night Football game, the Cincinnati Bengals will travel to play the Jacksonville Jaguars at the EverBank Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida. The game will begin at 8:15 p.m. ET.

ABC and ESPN will broadcast the Monday Night Football game nationwide. Fans may watch on ESPN+ and FuboTV as well, though.

Tonight's ABC and ESPN announcers are Joe Buck (play-by-play), Troy Aikman (analyst), and Lisa Salters (sideline reporter).

All the details on how to watch the game are below:

  • Date and Time: Monday, Dec 4 at 8:15 p.m. ET
  • Stadium: EverBank Stadium in Jacksonville
  • Television: ABC, ESPN
  • Commentators: Joe Buck (play-by-play announcer), Troy Aikman (analyst), and Lisa Salters (reporter)
  • Live stream: ESPN+, SlingTV, YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, DAZN (Canada)

Is ManningCast on tonight for Week 13 Monday Night Football?

After taking last week off, the Manning brothers will be back for the Week 13 Monday Night Football match between the Jacksonville Jaguars and Cincinnati Bengals.

Fans may watch the ManningCast on ESPN2 as Peyton and Eli Manning call the action and former All-Pro wideout Chad Johnson stops by to talk with the former Super Bowl winners.

Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa and TV personality Kay Adams, who once hosted "Good Morning Football" on the NFL Network, will also be guests.

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